Mix'n'Match Videos
Each video costs £2.50
This is a collection of videos whereby each one concentrates on a particular body part. They are short and mostly repeatable so that you could fit different ones together to create your own workout.

WHOLE BODY WEIGHTS WORKOUT 1 - Circuit based weights workout, simple and fairly short to get the job done! Using combination compound moves to target all muscles groups - back, core, ham strings, quads, biceps, shoulders and triceps in 3 simple sets. Follow the video and repeat the set 3 times or cut it short and whizz on to the cool down, whatever suits you! Hope you like the new setting too!!

KETTLEBELL UPPER BODY 1 - So fancy an upper body workout? 15 exercises here hitting the upper body with NO REPEATS! We work for 45 secs on with 15 secs rest. I'm using a kettlebell but you can use a dumbbell instead. Remember to warm up prior to exercising.

CARDIO 1 - This is 7 minutes of non-stop low impact cardio. There's no need to jump around to bring up a sweat! We're working for a minute at each exercise with no rest in between. Use this as a warm up or your quick cardio fix by repeating it 2 or 3 times over, alternatively, mix this with another video, for instance an upper body one, to create your very own whole body workout!

CARDIO 2 - Low impact mat based workout challenging the whole body. We run through 6 sequences that are repeated 10 times each. If you want to start low you can do each sequence 4 or 5 times through then rest and pick up the next sequence when you're ready. We work from the hand/toe plank alot (modifications to use the knees and elbows are not suitable) so we're strengthening arms, shoulders, back, legs, balance - the FULL MONTY you could say! Use it as a strong cardio set between strength based workouts or on its own as it includes a warm up and cool down too.

CARDIO KICKBOXING 1 - So who's ready to release some stress with some kickboxing?! Here we have 8 moves in each set and in the video I do the set twice. If you prefer, you can stick to just 1 set for a quick blast or repeat it more than twice for a longer session. We work for 45 secs on and 30 off (again you can adjust this if you like) and use a combination of punches and kicks to work the whole body. Remember to use your core and look after those elbow and knee joints by retracting your punches and kicks each time. If you've never done this kind of workout before, start with a slow practice to get the hang of it.

LEGS, CORE & BALANCE 1 - Test your balance whilst working the legs! No weights involved (although you can add them if you wish) and your hands can be empty if you don't have a ball. Packed full of one legged challenges. Remember to warm up and use a stand alone mini workout or combine with other videos to create your own full body session.

CORE STRENGTH & STRETCH 1 - This short sequence is just over 10 minutes long and is perfect to stretch and work on Core Strength. The Inchworms at the start aim to warm the whole body up and prepare the mind. We then spend a fair amount of time on the hands and knees using the Bear and Downward Facing Dog to get that mix of stretch and core strength. To unravel the waist there's plenty of twists then at the end we use Chair, Dancers Pose and Warrior 1 to challenge the legs and balance. We finish where we started so you can repeat it from beginning to end over and over to enable you to increase your flexibility and core strength morning, noon or night.

CARDIO WITH WEIGHTS 1 - This video is all about keeping the heart rate up for a cardio workout and toning the arms. I've used 1.5kg weights in this video, you can use anything similar. Equally If you don't want to use weights then don't. We keep things moving in this video, working our 15 moves for 30 seconds each with a 10 second turn around in between each move. It's fun, works the whole body and just 18 minutes long - even better - there's no repeats!!