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Balanced Strength

First class is free, 

£5 there after

What is Balanced Strength?

Balanced Strength is a 45 minute circuit class aimed at gently strengthening joints and muscles as well as improving balance. 

The class is aimed at the over 50's and runs as a circuit class - this means each exercise is worked at for a given length of time and the participants work in a 'circuit' to complete all exercises.

We target specific muscles surrounding the joints (mainly the hips and knees) to help support and strengthen these areas

Each station offers a variety of levels, from easy to more challenging so the participant can chose their level accordingly.

Balance diminishes with age and can cause us to be less confident and more fearful of activity. By improving our day to day balance we learn how to be more confident to deal with life's wobbles.

This class is suitable for anyone near to or over 50, that's looking to incorporate more movement/activity in their lives. It is aimed at being light hearted and enjoyable, enabling everyone to work at their own level and simply enjoy the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle.

Tuesdays @ 6.15pm

Starts Nov 5th 2024

St Marks Church, Avon Dr,
MK41 7UY

Fridays @ 11am

No class November 1st 2024

Great Denham Community Hall, Saxon Way, MK40 4GP

A short video showing the class in action

First class is free, £5 there after

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