Kettlebell Videos
Each video costs £3.50
Free classes

KETTLEBELL BEGINNER CLASS - Just 20 minutes, this simple workout of 8 exercises is suitable for any ability. Those who are experienced can ramp the weight up for a quick muscle fix whereas beginners can keep the weight low and learn some classic weighted exercises.
Beginner/Level 1 classes
Trailers for each video coming soon!

KETTLEBELL 101 - A great all round workout, suitable for any level, using Kettlebells or dumbbells. Working 9 traditional weighted exercises for 45 seconds each with a 15 second rest in between. We do the circuit twice so there's the option of skipping the 2nd circuit and going straight to the cool down and stretches if you are short of time. On the flip side, by repeating the circuit, beginners have the opportunity to practise the moves more and become more confident. If you want to gain confidence with using weights or need a quick all over body fix then this is it!

KETTLEBELL 102 - A good variety of exercises with this video, working the whole body. There's 3 sets, each set is made up of 4 moves - so no repeats! - with a minutes rest between each set. It's still less than half an hour, a great workout to squeeze into your day!
Intermediate classes

KETTLEBELL UPPER BODY 1 - So fancy an upper body workout? 15 exercises here hitting the upper body with NO REPEATS! We work for 45 secs on with 15 secs rest. I'm using a kettlebell but you can use a dumbbell instead. Remember to warm up prior to exercising.

KETTLEBELL 201 - Keep on swinging!! This workout has 8 lots of swings alternated with 8 strength based exercises. We take a minutes rest then repeat the whole thing. Great if you're looking to tone and increase your CV at the same time.
*Please refer to my free Kettlebell class for full instructions on how to 'swing' the bell - take care if you have any back issues

KETTLEBELL 202 - Can you keep up?? So this is the longest of my videos and a super workout. 3 sets with each set containing 4 moves which are repeated 3 times (1 set = 12 moves). Don't worry, there's time for a rest and a drink between each set but if you're looking for a challenge then this is it!

KETTLEBELL 203 - So, it's time to switch your brains on and get multi-tasking! In this circuit based workout, we work at least 2 body parts with each move. It might be legs and core, it might be legs and arms but each move requires you to think as well as work - hence it is not for the beginner. I'm using kettlebells but you can use dumbbells instead if you wish. We work out for 30 secs for each move so you can amp the weight up a little if you like, then we rest for just 10 secs, enough time for a quick drink and turn around. You can always pause the video if you find that is too short of course. I've got 11 exercises here that we do twice with a minutes rest in between. So grab those weights and join in!